Our Commitment To Privacy
Maintaining your privacy is a top priority for us. To this end we are providing this privacy notice in order to fully detail our online information policies and your options regarding the collection and use of your information. This privacy policy is made available both on our homepage as well as at every point where we request personally identifiable information.
Information Collected by Cloudfire
This privacy notice applies to all information collected by Cloudfire through the website. In the placing of orders, placing requests or receiving materials from Cloudfire, it is typical for Cloudfire to request personal information. These include:
- Name & Company Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email address
- Credit/Debit Card Information
How We Use Information
The information you provide us with in placing an order, or as part of an inquiry, is only used by Cloudfire in the completion of that order or request. The information is not shared with any outside party except to the extent that it is necessary in order to fulfil the order or complete the request. Email addresses are only used in order to communicate regarding the order or request, and are not used for any other purpose or shared with outside parties.
When you place an order for a product or service with Cloudfire, an account is created for you. With this account creation we include automatic subscription to receive our email or SMS alerts, which notify you of the status of the service, including notification of any scheduled outages or interruptions to service.
To facilitate better website design, we collect aggregate and non-identifying information about the users of our website, information such as the number of users accessing each page of the website. This statistical information is not disclosed to outside parties. Personally identifiable information will never be shared for any purpose other than the ones outlined above without providing you with the option to opt out or elect to prohibit any unrelated use.
Our Commitment To Data Security
Cloudfire uses physical and electronic security processes, as well as managerial procedures to prevent unauthorised access to information, ensure proper use of information and maintain data accuracy.
Our Commitment To Children’s Privacy
In order to protect the privacy of young children, we never collect or retain information on our website about users we know to be under the age of 13 years, and we endeavour to avoid our website structure appealing to the very young.
How You Access Or Correct Your Information
YIn order to access all your personally identifiable information collected online by Cloudfire, please contact our accounts department by emailing accounts@cloudfire.com.au. Our staff will then contact you by phone and verify your identity through asking your security questions. It is necessary to use this procedure to better safeguard your information. Factual errors in your personal information can be rectified by sending us a request credibly detailing the error.
Contact Us
In the case of any further questions or concerns, please contact us on 1300 011 962 or email us at accounts@cloudfire.com.au.